$0.00 raised ~ goal of: $1,000.00

Campaign Ends: 06/15/2025 - 170 Days Left!

Donate to CVSOM Vision Lunch For Pastors

CVSOM Vision Lunch For Pastors

 The Vision

Every year CVSOM hosts a free lunch for Local Pastors to Introduce them to the Vision of CVSOM and how this school is here to help them raise up equipped leaders in their church context.  We show them student testimonies and other Pastors share what CVSOM has done to help them grow leaders, give them information about the school, and answer questions that they might have.  Most church pastors do not have the bandwidth to disciple current and potential leaders at this level. CVSOM exists to serve local pastors and through the Mentor Internship, their students are mentored by their leaders in their home church context.


What is needed?

These luncheons are hosted at a local restaurant at no cost to our guests. We have found that Pastors are busy and hosting a lunch for just 1 hour at a neutral location where they can bring another guest, has been the most fruitful. This has been a well-attended and more focused event as CVSOM staff are free to greet guests and present the school without the responsibility of handling food.

We need to raise approximately $1,000 to cover each luncheon.

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